IKT stellt vor: Neues Fördervereinsmitglied TOA aus Japan
Der IKT-Förderverein der Wirtschaft begrüßt sein erstes asiatisches Mitglied: TOA GROUT KOGYO Co., Ltd. aus Tokyo. TOA wurde bereits im Jahr 1958 gegründet. Seit einigen Jahren gehört die Kanalsanierung zu ihrem Kerngeschäft.
About TOA

Sewer pipe rehabilitation with Seamless Liner. Host Pipe: DN600. Length: 70m, Wall thickness of Liner: 14mm
Soil and Sewers
In 1958 the first core business field was soil strengthening with chemical grouting method and contributed to the construction of underground structure such as subway transportation network. In the 1980’s, TOA entered into the second core business field of slope protection with the ground anchoring method utilizing its experice of soil strengthening technology. It introduced new methods into this field, such as PUC method, ground anchoring combined with prefabricated bearing plates for slope protection, and RING-NETS barrier made with high-tensile steel wire mesh for rock fall protection.
Yuzo Ooka, President of TOA GROUT KOGYO Co., Ltd.

High tensile steel mesh barrier for rockfall protection. Energy absorption: 150kj, Height: 4m; Length: 65m
2-10-3 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3355-6200
Fax: +81-3-3355-6201
E-mail: inquiry@toa-g.co.jp
Website: www.toa-g.co.jp
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